What makes for a good diet when us women go through Menopause?

I researched several key sites to learn more about symptoms of menopause ... they all generally say the same thing - what was more interesting to me as that all the points that was highlighted, seaweed played a part in what we needed to get through this period of our lives better / with more support / more well-being - mentally and physically. I also learned - that genetics and lifestyle can play a big part in how well we sail through this period of our life. BUT - we all can use some help, and this is what I would like to point out:
Get enough calcium
Pump up your iron.
Get enough fibre.
Eat fruits and vegetables
As best as you can eliminate foods with preservatives - keep things simple and nourishing ... and lastly, be kind to yourself!
GUESS WHAT? Seaweed has all of the above - it offers calcium (research has identified it has more than dairy), iron, fibre and so many botanical nutrients - minerals, vitamins and those incredible trace elements. It also helps control and manage your weight.
I'd say this would be a good place to start.
