Hand harvested from the most pristine waters in the world. That's got to count for something quite incredible!

You are what you eat they say - so knowing where you food comes from is quite important - well it should be! You can rest assure our seaweed is harvested from a very pristine coastline, and we take pride in how we hand harvest and prepare our seaweed for our supplements and then pass them onto you.
I have spoken at large about the many health benefits of seaweed over the past several months - but one point I would like to ponder and highlight again is the importance of our Gut Health and how seaweed can, and does play a large role in keeping this organ in tip-top shape.
Here are a couple of interesting points:
Packed with soluble fibre which helps control blood sugar levels and keeps your bowels moving. Also removing toxins from the body!
Seaweed is a great source of vitamins A, C, E, K and B vitamins - rich in minerals, including iodine, selenium, calcium and iron and Protein!
Seaweed is great for digestion - probably the first positive effect you'll likely experience from consuming seaweed is improved digestion. It's not just the fibre that's good for you, but also the complex compounds found in seaweed help good gut bacteria and slow down early digestion so you feel more full for a longer time, according to the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. At the same time, seaweed in the stomach helps predigest some foods, leading to less gas creation in the gut.
Last point I have referenced here - which highlights further research on the gut health and gut bacteria: https://www.wired.com/2010/04/sushi-guts/
Interesting article: https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2018/05/21/why-walnuts-seaweed-good-for-your-gut.aspx
Elevate your wellness and overall health everyday!
Our seaweed supplements are to support your body - but they work in tandem with how well you are generally looking after yourself - a good balanced diet, exercise and rest all play an important part in your overall health and well-being. Look after yourself! xo